Sony is not totally screwed up
Howard Stringer, CEO of Sony, has just given this very perceptive interview and I highly recommend reading it. Here are a few highlights. “A crisis is also an opportunity.” This […]
Howard Stringer, CEO of Sony, has just given this very perceptive interview and I highly recommend reading it. Here are a few highlights. “A crisis is also an opportunity.” This […]
Pure speculation this, but more than eminently possible. Apple went from being a computer manufacturer to a consumer toy maker with the iPod. They then morphed into also being a […]
Could the huge bubble of iPhone game success be about to burst? We have seen many times in the history of the video game industry that customers are very keen […]
PSP2 rumor specification firming up. Looks like it is goodbye to the UMD drive, another failed Sony media standard. But if it isn’t a phone they have lost the plot. […]
Trip Hawkins of Digital Chocolate is having great success on iPhone. Four out of five games they have published have been number one in the App Store chart, competing against […]
Mail get in a froth about a video game again. If this was a book or a film they wouldn’t bother, but because they totally misunderstand interactive media they write […]
Research says that PC is the top gaming platform. With a billion units installed worldwide of which a quarter are used for gaming, producing $11 billion of turnover last year. […]