At last, someone has seen the light. OnLive is here
After seven years in development OnLive “the most powerful gaming system in the world” has been launched at GDC in San Francisco and threatens to make existing home consoles obsolete. […]
After seven years in development OnLive “the most powerful gaming system in the world” has been launched at GDC in San Francisco and threatens to make existing home consoles obsolete. […]
There is no way that Alexander Graham Bell could have predicted that his humble invention, the telephone, would grow to become the most important and significant device used by virtually […]
Codemasters Chief Operating Officer Tony Williams leaves unexpectedly after four years. There is no smoke without fire so it will be interesting when I find out what happened here. There […]
“New research conducted by games development industry body TIGA shows that the UK games development sector is a highly skilled and successful industry that exports games all over the world. […]
This article is not intended as a boast or for showing off. It is just an illustration of how much electronics has gone portable in recent years, what the utility […]
Microsoft Jasper motherboard Xbox 360s are now in the shops. These have both a 65nm GPU and a 65nm CPU so they run less warm than the older motherboards. You […]
Warner Brothers confirm the third Tomb Raider movie. (The previous two were made by Paramount). This is indicative of two relationships. The first between Warners and Eidos, which could well […]