
Goodbye Apple. Goodbye Nokia

As predicted here smartphones have grown exponentially in usage so that they are now the dominant internet device for large swathes of the world’s population. Certainly their arrival has acted […]

Day one of the Mobile World Congress and already Microsoft have delivered, massively. But they needed to, they were being left well behind. In fact Microsoft could have been reading […]

Mobile World Congress

No, Bruceongames isn’t turning into a Smartphone blog. It is just that it is pretty clear that smartphones are soon going to be the most common computers on earth, with […]

Sony and PS3. Looking good

Being a hardware platform holder is not easy, there are so many pressures waiting to destroy you, technology, competition, piracy, fashion. So, over the years we have seen many platform […]

Ignore Nokia at your peril

In all the current excitement and hype about Android and the Apple iPhone and iPad people have seemed to lose sight of Nokia, this is a very silly thing to […]