Daily Mail. Another fail
It is well established that the Daily Mail does not understand video games, which puts them at some distance from their readers who mostly do. The Daily Mail and it’s […]
It is well established that the Daily Mail does not understand video games, which puts them at some distance from their readers who mostly do. The Daily Mail and it’s […]
That’s right, over 300 million dollars stolen just of the one game, Modern Warfare 2, in 2009. Obviously Activision had much more stolen from them with other titles, but MW2 […]
If you haven’t seen Avatar yet then you owe it to yourself to correct this omission as soon as possible. Avatar is a hugely significant jump in what constitutes human […]
Have a good one. I am giving myself a bit of a rest from this till the new year.
Publisher consolidation is an ongoing story in any form of IP publishing. The competitive advantages of scale are so great and are becoming greater. It is something of an ongoing […]
So today we are looking at the console platforms and their performance in the American market (the world’s biggest) from a software sales point of view. This is looking at […]
I am not going to apologise for writing about Android so much. Smartphones are set to become the most used computing devices on earth, easily outpacing personal computers and game […]