Make more money by making people famous
It is a very simple fact of life that the thing that most people are interested in is other people. Just look at the mass obsession over Princess Diana or […]
It is a very simple fact of life that the thing that most people are interested in is other people. Just look at the mass obsession over Princess Diana or […]
I have possibly mentioned before about the real world people (including myself) who lent their likenesses to characters within the worldwide number one game Operation Flashpoint in 2001. This garnered […]
Codemasters Chief Operating Officer Tony Williams leaves unexpectedly after four years. There is no smoke without fire so it will be interesting when I find out what happened here. There […]
Massacre in Winnenden, Germany as school student runs amok with gun. A huge tragedy. Last time this happened in Germany, at Erfurt, it resulted in repressive anti gaming laws. No […]
I have written on here before about the Dizzy brand. It is one of the biggest ever video game brands in Europe and especially in the UK. There is a […]
I am looking for a challenge. I love the idea of marketing and managing during a recession to build a business and make profits. I have done it before and […]