
I have been going on for ages about the convergence between gaming and social networking. Now Microsoft have made this a greater reality by integrating both Twitter and Facebook with […]

In 2002 Sony brought us the Eyetoy peripheral but failed to capitalise on its potential. At the 2005 Tokyo Game Show Nintendo revealed their Wii gesture interface that was probably […]

With all this talk of Android here and elsewhere on the web it is perhaps worth looking at what it is. Especially as it has the potential to very rapidly […]

So, as predicted, Sony have removed the UMD drive from the PSP and replaced it with 16 Gbytes of internal flash memory with the option of adding Memory Stick Micros. […]

What we are currently seeing with mobile telephones is the fastest and biggest ever change  in video gaming. Developments are almost daily as the competitive war between handset providers power […]