
I have written before about 3D gaming. The effect is more impressive than it sounds when you see it done properly for real. Having depth is like going to the […]

The business model for console games in this generation is not a good one. Games are very expensive to develop but most make a loss, it is only the occasional […]

And quite right too. Jammie Thomas-Rasset, from Minnesota, had damages awarded against her of $1.9 million by a federal court for downloading 24 songs. She could have settled without going […]

Gameleon is a new social networking hub for both professional and volunteer members of the video game industry’s press corps and other videogame related professionals. I just joined.

Game Developer have published their report of the world’s 50 top game developers and it makes very interesting reading. With Nintendo an obvious number one, Blizzard number two and Ubisoft […]