Why the video game industry is in such a mess
I thought that with the way things are going in the video game industry just now it would be good to give one person’s view as to what is going […]
I thought that with the way things are going in the video game industry just now it would be good to give one person’s view as to what is going […]
You can do the same: info@nickclegg.com, leader@libdems.org.uk, libdemleader@parliament.uk, nickclegg@sheffieldhallam.org.uk, cleggn@parliament.uk Hi Nick, You asked for input on laws that need removing. This is one of the prime ones. The English […]
I am sorry about not posting for so long without keeping you informed. Basically the Evony thing caused a huge backlog of normal stuff that needed doing. So we visited […]
Regular readers will know that I expect educational gaming to eventually grow to be bigger than recreational gaming. We consume an immense amount of education throughout our lives and the […]
Dr Henry Edward Roberts has died at the age of 68. He was truly the father of home computing, the platform on which video gaming is based. His company was […]
The Daily Mail is a British newspaper with a circulation of about two million. In terms of content the nearest American equivalent is, perhaps, Fox News. Their editorial stance is […]
Rather than write this myself, it has been written up much better than I could ever do by a professional journalist here: http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2010/mar/31/evony-libel-case-bruce-everiss I have many people to thank. My […]