Bruce Everiss

Keith Vaz is at it again

Keith Vaz’s one man crusade against video games continues. This is what happened in Parliament: Keith Vaz (Leicester, East) (Lab):What recent discussions he has had with pan-European game information on […]

London Olympics, Cultural Olympiad 2012

The Cultural Olympiad is a four year event based around the London Olympic games of 2012. The aims of the Cultural Olympiad are to: encourage and welcome involvement from communities […]

Brutal Legend from EA is being marketed as the funniest video game ever. A very interesting marketing idea. Here are some videos so you can get a feel for it.

Natal + Bill Gates = a huge story

The true importance of Natal to our future is gradually being revealed. Initially it was presented at E3 ’09 as a gesture interface for the Microsoft Xbox 360 that was […]