A bit of news analysis
After nearly 30 years the unholy Wintel alliance is over. Microsoft have finally realised that there are other processors in the world and have embraced the ARM chip. Superficially this […]
After nearly 30 years the unholy Wintel alliance is over. Microsoft have finally realised that there are other processors in the world and have embraced the ARM chip. Superficially this […]
I thought that with the way things are going in the video game industry just now it would be good to give one person’s view as to what is going […]
You can do the same: info@nickclegg.com, leader@libdems.org.uk, libdemleader@parliament.uk, nickclegg@sheffieldhallam.org.uk, cleggn@parliament.uk Hi Nick, You asked for input on laws that need removing. This is one of the prime ones. The English […]
I am sorry about not posting for so long without keeping you informed. Basically the Evony thing caused a huge backlog of normal stuff that needed doing. So we visited […]
Regular readers will know that I expect educational gaming to eventually grow to be bigger than recreational gaming. We consume an immense amount of education throughout our lives and the […]
Dr Henry Edward Roberts has died at the age of 68. He was truly the father of home computing, the platform on which video gaming is based. His company was […]
The Daily Mail is a British newspaper with a circulation of about two million. In terms of content the nearest American equivalent is, perhaps, Fox News. Their editorial stance is […]