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As regular readers will know I have said many times on here that the use of gaming in education will grow to be bigger than their use as entertainment. We […]
As regular readers will know I have said many times on here that the use of gaming in education will grow to be bigger than their use as entertainment. We […]
President Chavez of Venezuela is not your normal world leader. In fact he is easily in the top 10 for causing, consistently, the most controversy. This former paratrooper is seen […]
Before we start I do know all about Golden Eye, the exception that proves the rule. This was made by Rare at the height of their pomp yet ironically by […]
I have predicted in the past that eventually Microsoft’s Xbox/Live/Zune business would grow to become bigger than their PC business. If you look at the trends over the last two […]
I have written many times about the convergence of social networking and gaming. Kingdoms of Camelot represents a step change along this path. It is by far the most ambitious […]
I have written on here before about Titan Rain, the ongoing attacks on American computers allegedly by the Chinese. Here is what Wikipedia has to say: Titan Rain was the […]
I first wrote about stereoscopic 3D in video games last May after seeing a Blitz game technology demonstrator and realising that it brought something new and good to the gaming […]