September 2008

ELSPA grow some

ELSPA (European Leisure Software Association) is the slightly self aggrandizing name for the UK’s game publisher’s club. They work hard at scratching the surface of game counterfeiting, but their main function […]

Virtual Worlds Forum

Regular readers of my articles will be very familiar with gaming in virtual worlds, who the players are and what the issues are. So it is hardly surprising that next […]

Silly Sega advertising

Now I am the first to say that sex and violence is a good thing in video games. They work well to enhance the game player’s emotional involvement with the […]

Xbox outsells Wii and PS3 in Japan. It sold over three times as many as the PS3. Who would have thought this at the beginning of the year? The analysts […]

Could you be the next PopCap?

People look at the game publishing industry and see the giant global companies like Electronic Arts and think that it is impossible to compete. In fact it is very easy. There […]

More on the next generation consoles

Obviously all three platform holders are working on their next generation consoles, we even know that Microsoft have given theirs the codename “phoenix”. It is also pretty obvious that all […]