Regular readers will know that publisher consolidation is an economic inevitablity, the scale advantages of being big and global are so great that anything less (with our current business model) will be […]

In America, according to the Denizens of Digitivity survey by JWT. Over 1.000 people were surveyed on September 7 to 11. Of which 44% of the female respondents and 39% of the […]

I couldn’t believe my ears. Last night there was a piece on BBC Radio 4 (national, upmarket talk radio) about gaming demographics and pensioners playing Wii games. They had two […]

For many years now the movie industry has put a lot of work into the quality of your cinema going experiences. They have used technology to ensure that the picture […]

When it has luminaries like Michael Grade (executive chairman of ITV) in charge. Just what was he thinking about when he said that video games exist in a ‘moral vacuum’ compared to […]

During world war one the allies wanted to know what was happening inside Germany. What people were thinking and doing. The effect of the war on them and the routine […]